
Brand Activation in Indian Context

Brands are made out of products and services. It’s like post birth, a kid is named and then which preparatory school she goes, which school she takes formal education, what are her undergraduate and post graduate colleges, decide where she will be.

The family values and culture that she imbibes and in coming years strive to give to her kids, are an important part of her upbringing.

That’s exactly what she can be defined as. She will stand for those certain causes with or without any external persuasion as that’s her belief system.

All the above is true for a brand and forms the core of brand values. Attributes and experience.

Bringing these tangible and intangible features alive in the lives of the society and customer community alike is what defines brand activation.

India is yet to catch up with this concept fully. Internationally brands are built at times only through such intensive thinking alone and no other communication, marketing or advertising is necessarily fed to make the experience Complete.

Now, brands and brand managers have started understanding the need of a true blue brand activation campaign. This campaign has to create a true experience of brand values that can emotionally connect with the target groups and deliver to their rational self.

And mind you, it can’t be a lip service.

This kind of engagement needs deeper understanding of target groups. What makes them decide and how it influences them.

Basis this understanding, brand managers can think of brand values led activation and deliver them with a long term roll out.

Results will be amazing but will have to be allowed to percolate down.

Plan for 2 years perspective and expect results from 8th month on wards

Now make the media choices to expand the horizon and amplifyMay God speed be with you! guys!

Talk2users is marketing consultancy in Delhi NCR

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Ashish Bhardwaj
January 27, 2020

Brand Activation in Indian Context